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Monday-Friday: 9:30am to 5:00pm

Defying Gravity: Soluna MD Introduces Permalift™

Defying Gravity: Soluna MD Introduces Permalift™
Headed by cosmetic and general surgeon John W. Chang MD, Soluna’s superior medical staff takes the old out of aging with Permalift™, its custom in-office, suture-suspension, non-surgical facelift. Revered for being extremely safe, minimally invasive and convenient, Permalift™ delivers maximum results with minimal discomfort, gently lifting years off the face for a fresh new you.

CORAL GABLES, Fla., October 29, 2008 – Soluna MD, also known as Soluna Aesthetic Center, is pleased to announce its latest aesthetic medical procedure – Permalift™ – in its portfolio of respected, long-standing and cutting-edge treatments. Performed in-office with local anesthesia in a brief timeframe, Permalift™ provides patients with a subtle lift that will have them looking and feeling renewed without pain, visible scarring or downtime. Ideal for those between the ages of 35 and 65, Soluna MD’s Permalift™ has perfected anti-aging, suture-suspension techniques for the face.

Based on the widely acclaimed Serdev Technique for suture suspension developed by Dr. Nikolay P. Serdev, the Permalift™ technique utilizes miniscule puncture incisions in the scalp and long, internal, non-absorbable sutures to masterfully revive the face’s natural contour of its younger years.

To achieve this, Permalift™ delicately lifts the subcutaneous tissue (the loose, sagging skin in need of tightening) and anchors it to non-moveable tissue in the scalp. In addition, the Permalift™ procedure adheres to the most important principles for face beautification – one-third proportion, one-third volume and one-third angles. The result is an immediate, long-lasting lifting and tightening of the face. Soluna MD’s Permalift™ patients can now say good-bye to the sad appearance brought on by drooping brows, cheeks, chin and neck, and say hello to a refreshed face and newfound self-confidence.

“We are very pleased to add Permalift™ to our repertoire of services,” says Dr. Chang. “As one of the country’s most respected aesthetic and laser centers, we specialize only in cosmetic procedures and pride ourselves on practicing the highest standards. We offer our patients the safest and most sought-after treatments. Moreover, due to the seriousness of our business, we take the time to thoroughly evaluate and consult with every patient in order to make the proper recommendations to get them looking and feeling their best.”

Soluna MD’s Permalift™ is the alternative to the traditional, open-incision surgical facelift, as well as other lifts, such as the contour lift, thread lift and feather lift. While Permalift™ surpasses these techniques in performance, convenience and safety, it is also more attainable due to its pricing – it is a fraction of the cost of the classic facelift. What more could you ask for?

With Permalift™, life isn’t interrupted — it’s simply sculpted more beautiful.

About Soluna MD

Soluna MD is your singular destination for all of your beauty enhancement and skin rejuvenation needs, specializing in Permalift™ (Non-surgical facelift), Smartlipo (Laser Lipo), Lipo-Dissolve, LipoSelection (Vaser), spider vein and varicose vein treatments and much more, including facials, depigmentation treatments and Botox. The 1,700-square-foot facility houses four treatment rooms as well as relaxation, reception and consultation areas. Soluna MD is located at 4251 Salzedo Street, directly across from the Village of Merrick Park’s popular restaurant Il Villaggio. To learn more about Soluna MD’s services or to make an appointment, please call 305.446.0440 or go online at

About DKT Communications, Inc.

DKT Communications, Inc. is a full-service provider of strategic writing, design and art direction for the world’s most recognizable companies, as well as for start-ups with great ambition and ideas. Specializing in publishing, branding, positioning and marketing for a broad range of industries, DKT Communications expertly conveys each client’s voice and vision. For additional information about Soluna MD, please call 412.577.4052 or email [email protected].

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